… & Passions
- Founder & Chief Editor of YeahThatsKosher.com – a Kosher Travel blog
- Co-Founder of ParnasaFest – a grass-roots org to help those that have lost their jobs.
*This project is no longer active.
— A crowd sourced travel blog for the Kosher observant traveler.
— I started this blog in 2008 after a trip to Scandinavia with my wife Arielle. We had to do so much research on where to find kosher food in each of the locations we visited, I thought there had to be an easier and more personal way to get this information.
— YeahThatsKosher.com is the number 1 site on the web for Kosher / Jewish Travel information. To advertise, please visit: yeahthatskosher.com/advertise
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— Follow my main Twitter acct: @YeahThatsKosher